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This project was developed during studio classes in Escola da Cidade along with now architects Tamara Fajer ( and Bárbara Amaral, advised by architect Márcio Kogan.


Main objective

Considering the urban impact of the waterway ring and the possibility of restoration of Tietê’s river, the project’s main goal is to occupy the area destined to the water.


To do so, floating structures were designed (barges), functioning as a urban equipment for the city, fulfilling the lack of infrastructure and promoting new useful spaces.


The barge is 50 meters long and capable of holding 125 tons, counting its own weight and overload. Its shape, flat bottomed, allows it to anchor on the riverbend so people can come aboard. Still, there are retractable walkways to reach further distances. The project includes a program and other barges, that can serve as accesses and connections.

The barges are focused on attending the population's local needs and are divided into Health Care, Sports and Leisure, Culture and Market Fair.


Their size (25x11x1m) allow them to cross the floodgates and reach different areas of the city.

A section of the Metropolitan Waterway Ring before and after the project



The cultural barge offers an area dedicated to presentations, exhibitions, concerts, movie screening and other similar activities, that will also be available to everyone living at the regions nearby

Market Fairs

The market fair barge will hold a variety of commercial activity and can be attached to another unit, expanding the fair.

Health Care

The health care barge was created to facilitate people's access to the health care system. Just like the market fair barge, it can be connected to another unit.

Sports and Leisure

The sports and leisure barge attempts to overcome the need for public spaces in the city, providing courts, gardens and squares.


The mixture of different programs, allowed by the barge’s mobility, establishes new socio and urban dynamics, forming a complex network of interactions that are scattered all over the waterway ring.

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